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Who We Are.

Since 1976, Northwest Youth Services has been the doorway to safety and the pathway to progress for thousands of young lives. Much has changed in our communities during those years. What has not changed is our commitment to supporting the uniqueness of each youth served.

Our Mission

At Northwest Youth Services, we affirm youth experience and autonomy, as we work together to foster collective healing and justice, in order to dismantle the systems of oppression that perpetuate youth homelessness. 

Guided by our core values and commitment to becoming an Anti-Racist organization, Northwest Youth Services envisions a community in which all young people are seen as catalysts in creating a just and liberated society that supports each of our unique journeys through life. 

Our Vision

Our Values

Community | We promote interdependence and recognize that everybody needs a community to thrive. We know that we are stronger together.


Justice & Liberation | We believe that it is critical to acknowledge, name, and actively work to dismantle the historic systems and societal structures that fuel crisis and poverty. 

Humanity |  We work with respect and compassion for each other and believe that everyone deserves to belong: to be safe, heard, and valued. 

Accountability | We believe that no one is done learning; as a community, we hold each other to a high standard, and work to educate, grow and heal together. 

Anti-Racism Definition and Action Plan

Definition: Here at Northwest Youth Services, we define anti-racism as the opposition to white supremacist culture and the capitalist system that upholds it. Anti-racist work is calling out and dismantling these oppressive and racist systems through consciousness, accountability, and cultural humility.

Action: Northwest Youth Services will engage in anti-racist work through:

Understanding history,
Listening and acknowledging,
Vulnerability (check your privilege),
Addressing and confronting bias behaviors, and

Non-discrimination statement

Northwest Youth Services is an Equal Opportunity employer. Employment is based upon individual qualifications without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, citizenship, age, marital status, veteran status, disabilities, political ideology, sexual orientation, or any other legally protected status. Alumni of foster care and those who have experienced youth homelessness are encouraged to apply.


Services are provided to youth meeting eligibility requirements directed by program funding. Program participants have the right to be treated with respect and dignity, and receive services which do not discriminate and are sensitive to youth race, color, sex, religion, national origin, citizenship, age, marital status, veteran status, disabilities, political ideology, sexual orientation, or any other legally protected status.

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